Manga deliveryman

Together with Manga POST, we are trying to deliver Manga aspiring manga artists to readers all over the world. Manga POST website creator and former manga artist aspirant. He was influenced by many manga and animations when he was a boy, and vowed to become a manga artist with his best friend when he was in elementary and junior high school. I'm secretly planning to become a manga artist about 20 years later. My best friend at the time is still active in the manga industry.
Character sheet


Manga deliveryman's Charactor sheet

Basic Information
Date of Birth / Age June 2003
Blood Type Type A
Region of Origin Osaka prefecture
Height (of body) 170cm
Body weight 58㎏
Grade / Occupation Aspiring cartoonist who strives to deliver the manga of a new writer to the world together with the manga post
Personality As a boy, he was influenced by many manga and animations and decided to become a manga artist.
Appearance Features
Hairdo Natural perm
Eyebrow I'm smiling
Eye Features / Eye color / Glasses, etc. Eyes are dots
Nose I like a good smell
Ear Sounds good
Cheek pink
Mouth / Voice Quality Boy's voice
Chin / Beard I shave my beard every day
Facial Expression I'm struggling every day to deliver the cartoons of aspiring cartoonists to readers all over the world, so I think I'm sharp.
Hand / Shoulder / Dominant Arm right handed
Chest flat
Foot The legs are not long. Jogging is a daily routine
Ability / Special Skill / Environment, and Others
Friendships / Family relationships / Lovers / Attitudes When I was in elementary school and junior high school, I vowed to become a manga artist with my best friend. My best friend is active in the manga industry without shaking.