Part 2 Let's Translate Manga with AI

Translating manga into a foreign language.
Please click on the "Select Region, Language" icon on the top page. The AI will translate the comic you've drawn into the representative language of each region. If your region is not listed, please select a language from the dropdown menu below.
←This is the old Google website translation.
For pages other than the TOP page, you can select from the language menu in the global menu. The latest AI translation is executed from the menu circled in red. On the left is Google's old website translation. There's one thing to note here.
Clicking on the American flag will display the American version (for English-speaking audiences) of MANGA POST (①). Although it's actually displayed in English, the old website translation at the bottom is set to Amharic, so the English is further translated into Amharic. If you want to view it in English, please select ②Show Original and press ③× to disable the old website translation.
The same goes for the mobile version. Press the × in ③ to cancel the old website translation.
At MANGA POST, we're also developing a feature that allows manga artists, who aren't satisfied with AI translations, to input dialogues translated by professional translators into their comic bubbles.
I believe that AI translations will be able to accurately translate everyday conversations in the near future!
The development costs for MANGA POST are covered by the pocket money of our manga delivery man, so development may take time or may be discontinued. Please understand this in advance.
thank you.
