Miracle RunnynoseMan

Kazumitu Terafuku
Miracle Runny Nose Boy
There are so many rabbits.
I am strong.
That guy's got a runny nose. Gross.
It's "Runny Nose" the runny nose.
Don't get my name wrong! It's not "Runny Nose," it's "Hanamitsu"!
If you mess it up again, you'll face the "Runny Nose Punishment"!
Hey! Why are you laughing?
What's this? The biggest laughaholic in class, "Syouko," huh...
Sorry, sorry...
But being called "Snotty" and made fun of, and then getting a "Snotty Punishment"...
You're admitting it yourself.
I know once you start laughing, you can't stop, but...
Isn't that a bit too much laughter?
Hurry up! We're going to be late for school.
Can't be helped. I'll just have to show you my "Snotty Power,"Syouko.
And then I'll sniff up the snot all at once!
Did you see that? Hanamitsu's "Snot Power"!!
Hanamitsu-kun's "Snot Power"... that's funny.
What's this?
Why is everyone gathered? Did something happen?
That's terrible.
Poor thing... Who would do such a thing...
It says "Kirisaki Jack."
"Kirisaki Jack"?
He's the one who did it.
He was so scared... It's fun to bully the weak.
Next time, I want to see that scared face up close~
I feel sorry for the rabbit.
I hope they catch the culprit soon...
"Kirizaki Jack," come out!!
What? What's going on?
Gross. "Spit" and "snot" are flying.
It got on me.
It's Hanamitsu. Snot.
Are you making fun of me?
Kyahaha! It's so funny, my stomach hurts.
Everyone makes fun of me.
It's raining.
It really is.
It's pouring down hard.
Let's take shelter from the rain over there.
Taking shelter from the rain sounds like fun!
It's really coming down hard. Let's wait here until the rain stops.
If we get this wet, we'll catch a cold for sure.
Why doesn't Syouko avoid me with my runny nose?
I don't mind it. Your runny nose swinging back and forth is kind of funny.
I can't tell if I'm being complimented or made fun of.
Whose dog could this be?
Must be a stray.
This dog doesn't seem to mind my runny nose!
It doesn't make fun of me!
I've taken a liking to this dog!
Since you lick so much, I'm gonna name you "Pero."
Nice to meet you, "Pero."
Make sure to wash your hands, okay?
Hey, "Pero"...
I'm gonna go take a leak.
"Pero~" Don't go too far in, okay~?
I wonder how far he went?
Found him!
He just wanted to drink some water.
What's wrong, Syouko? Did you step in Pero's poop?
Huh? Was there another one?
Got two of them. Lucky!
Be quiet!
Ah! "Pero"!!
Who are you! Let go of Syouko!!
Heh heh heh. You're destined to be sliced up by me, so I'll tell you my name.
My name is Wakahisa Kirisaki.
Also known as "Kirisaki Jack."
Did you kill the school's rabbit?
Is it okay to say that? I'm invincible.
Do you understand the meaning of "invincible"?
You know the type, right? The guy who brags about never losing a fight.
They're invincible because they only fight opponents they can beat.
I'm the same. I only fight those I can beat. That's why I'm invincible. Get it?
You're going to lose.
Nice. That expression.
It makes me feel happy.
What do you mean, invincible...
Those who are invincible and respected are the ones who strive to be stronger than they are now and become stronger than anyone else.
They're different from someone like you who bullies the weak to feel strong.
I won't lose to someone like that.
Nose Missile!!
What are you doing... You little brat.
That's disgusting.
Let's escape while we can.
You're not getting away.
Nose trap success!
Ouch... that hurts.
Kirisaki Jack is crying, even though he's an adult.
You guys are supposed to be the ones in pain.
I got a little too carried away.
I'll slice you up all at once!!
Are you ready for this, you little brat?
Crap, he's got a knife!
Run away, Syouko!
He... He really did cut it...
This feeling is the best!
You're next!!
Damn it!
Take that!
What the hell are you doing?
Keep quiet. Don't ruin my fun.
Hmm... Hmm...
Stay still, will you?
You can't do your nose attack if you can't breathe, right?
Little lady, it's time for me to carve you up...
Hey! Stop!
Do you even understand what it means to not be able to breathe?
I can't breathe...
...It's no use...
I can't take it anymore...
Damn it...
It looks like you've given up. You can run away if you want.
But I don't think you'll be able to escape.
Nice. I just love that terrified look on your face. It gives me the chills.
Nose rocket!!!
Hanamitsu-kun! Are you okay?
I'm glad we made it in time.
How did you get the duct tape off?
Pero helped me take it off.
Thank you, Pero.
I didn't have time, so I just wrapped the arms and legs with tape.
This might be fun as it is... Tickle tickle tickle.
Hahaha! Stop it! It's not funny!!
Tickling is cheating, you know.
What happened to Kirisaki Jack?
I wonder if he's still alive?
Let's call the police.
The rain has stopped. Let's head back home.
That was fun, wasn't it?
Let's go, Pero.
Woof woof!
Hanamitsu beat "Kirizaki Jack"?
I saw it on TV.
What? What?
"Kirizaki Jack" is a habitual animal abuser?
He's actually a coward, isn't he?
I don't really understand, but everyone stopped making fun of me.
Tell me about what happened yesterday.
We're best friends, right?
Is that so?
Then, I'll tell you. Umm...
Seems like I caught a cold from the rain yesterday.
Gross. You jerk!!
I got covered in snot from head to toe.
You really are "Snotty"!
It's Hanamitsu!!
Hanamitsu-kun, you're so funny!!
The end
