Oni power "Shiji"
Part 1 (Part 1)

Demon power "Shiji" (first part)
Terafuku Kazumitu
Cool! Let's go! Let's go!
I want to go too!
Sure. Let's all go together.
Yeah. Let's do that!
On the way back, want to grab some hamburgers?
Let's all go together!
Sorry. I didn't bring any money, so I'll pass.
Oh... That's too bad. Let's go together next time.
Yeah. Thanks.
Takeshi, you jerk! Chatting up my Misaki like that.
That's unforgivable, man.
It was Misaki who invited me. I'll bring a little pocket money tomorrow.
We won't let the ball get to the enemy!!
Oh no!!
The keeper can't catch a single shot!!
Ouch, that hurts...
What are you doing?!
Got a problem with that?
We're playing soccer here, and you're getting in the way!!
You're not supposed to run in the hallways, right?
Playing soccer in the hallways isn't allowed either...
Huh?! Did you say something?!
Quit your yapping and hurry up with the ball!
You caused us trouble, so apologize.
Say "I'm sorry for causing trouble."
Not saying anything means you don't plan to apologize, huh?
I'm sorry for causing trouble...........
So it was you who was in the wrong after all. We did nothing wrong.
We'll let it slide this time. But next time, we won't forgive you.
Get out of here!
Damn it!!
Found you.
You must be really stressed out, huh?
I'll lend you a hand with that.
I haven't heard such a loud voice in a long time.
Was I really that loud?
Dangerously loud.
How embarrassing...
Relax, leave it to me.
Revenge will make you feel refreshed.
What are you talking about? Who are you?
I am the messenger of hell.
The demon apprentice "Shiji".
A demon!? That's a creature of fantasy.
Demons do exist!!
Alright. I'll show you my power.
Hey. What's with that brat?
You're not seriously going to pick on someone that weak, are you?
There must be plenty of nastier looking guys around.
I sensed an incredibly evil heart.
The dog... it talked!?!
I'm not a dog, you jerk!!
I'm a wolf!!! A wolf!!! Don't lump me in with dogs that have become mere pets to humans.
If you call me a dog one more time, I'll crunch your bones and eat them.
Got it???
Don't threaten him!
Sorry. This "Upon" has a foul mouth, but he's a good guy.
What's your name?
I'm Takeshi.
I'm "Shiji".
Takeshi, you must want revenge on someone, right?
I'll bestow "Oni Power" upon Takeshi.
I don't have anyone I want to take revenge on.
Takeshi, you don't trust me, do you?
In that case, I'll show you a little bit of my "Oni Power."
It's dangerous to get close to the river.
Did you see that? "Oni Power." I'm gonna lend this power to Takeshi.
No way.
What are you doing? That hurts.
I just bestowed "Oni Power" upon you. You've got horns on your head now, right?
It's true. Stop it, it looks terrible.
"Oni Power" can be used three times, and each time you use it, the horns get smaller... After three uses, they disappear.
To be continued.
