
Beep... That's the Milky Way galaxy. An ordinary nebula where 200 billion stars are gathered in a lens-shaped space with a diameter of 100,000 light-years... Beep...
Why is the government interested in such an undeveloped star system!?
Most of the stars are made of dirt and gas. Completely different from our star system made of super metals. Beep...
What a backwater place.
The name of the planet we are targeting this time is 'Earth.'
Hmph!! I don't understand what those in power are thinking.
Beep... The solar system is located 30,000 light-years away in the spiral arm from the center of the Milky Way galaxy. The third planet from the star called the Sun is 'Earth.' Currently, primitive intelligent life forms exist. Beep...
Hmm... So there are intelligent life forms? How many hours until we reach 'Earth'?
86 hours.
Alright!! Fly immediately!!!
Take that!!
What's wrong, hussy? Are you feeling unwell? This is your favorite martial arts spectator sport.
You know, this gets boring really quickly...
More importantly, is it true that a meteorite fell last night!?
Yeah, the investigation team has been looking into it since this morning.
How wonderful...
It's like the stars are falling from the sky.
Please stop, Princess. That line doesn't suit you.
Ahem, Number 96. You have passed the test to protect the King!!
Huh!? Could it be...
Wait a minute...
Did you kill my tiger!?
It seems so.
What a terrible person. Even if it's a warrior test, killing it is too much...
That tiger was such a good creature... It never attacked people outside of the warrior trials...
It fought because it was trained to. Thanks to that, many warriors were able to come into their own...
Hey!! Is there anyone here who can fight me on equal terms!? Fighting such a weak tiger is making me rusty!!
No way, there's no way we can beat that brute.
I am a woman.
Such a charming person...
He's definitely a top-tier warrior.
I'm the strongest man in the world!
Darn it!!
What the...?
What the hell is this woman doing!?
The princess is in danger!!
Contestant number 96, your qualification is revoked!! You are under arrest for attacking a member of the royal family!!
What?! Who the hell are you?
I am Reba, the lead warrior. My duty is to protect the royal family.
Your actions are unforgivable.
Hehehe!! Perfect timing...
I'll defeat you and become the lead warrior myself.
Take this!!
You're too naive!!
This is bad!!
Your Majesty!! We have a crisis!!
What's going on!?
Yes, Your Majesty.
Last night, our investigation team discovered what appeared to be a fallen meteorite...
But, um... it turns out that it wasn't a meteorite at all.
It's actually... a chunk of some unknown metal...
A chunk of unknown metal!?
Yes. And from inside it, a child emerged... claiming to be an alien from outer space who intends to conquer us.
It said that if we resist, we'll all be killed and that we should surrender.
In fact, our investigation team members were, well... dissolved and evaporated by the child's strange powers.
I'm ashamed to say, I was the only one who just barely managed to escape...
No... I'm just glad that at least one of you survived.
...But is it really true? It's hard to believe...
Ah, it’s him!!
Heh heh heh. Thanks for showing me the way.
You just saved me the trouble of looking for you...
What the...
He's really just a child. Are you saying this boy is an alien? What a scare...
Hey, you! How old are you?!
I wouldn't be surprised if you appeared from the sky on a thread!
Something's off. There's no thread...
What are you doing? Are you stupid?
What did you say?!
You little brat!!!
Stop spraying spit everywhere.
Hey, UFO. What's this weak and dumb-looking creature?
Beep beep... I'll respond. These are the primitive intelligent life forms currently ruling Earth.
What? Them?
Earthlings have sexes, male and female. The one who spoke rudely to you, Lord Papylum, is the female. Beep beep...
Earthlings look a lot like us Mesarites. What rude creatures.
You said they have sexes. So they reproduce sexually... An inefficient method that's not popular in the universe.
My name is Papylum!!
I've come to invade Earth from the Mesar system!!
On our planet, the population has skyrocketed, and we can't supply enough food and housing. On top of that, everyone is seeking luxury, wealth, and comfort.
So, we come to undeveloped planets and turn them into colonies. In your world, you could say I'm like a real estate agent. Unfortunately, humanity will have to be eliminated.
Even as food, you don't look appetizing.
How selfish!!
I learned on the ship that you humans have done the same thing throughout history.
For example, humans have repeatedly deforested for wealth and comfort as civilization developed... Helpless plants were felled, and there are even extinct species of animals that lived there...
So, you can't complain if a more advanced civilization does the same. Thinking you're always the rulers is arrogance.
Well, I don't get why the government chose such an undeveloped planet this time...
There are tons of better planets out there...
You're so noisy! You little punk!!
Take this!
Don't underestimate me...
What's happening?
He blocked the punch with a finger!
Let's have a strength contest!
What's wrong? Earthlings are so weak. Well then, time to die.
I'll show you how to use energy.
He vanished!!
Heh heh heh! His body evaporated from my energy.
You little brat!!
What are you doing!? Are you misunderstanding something?
We don't reproduce sexually. Do you think we have reproductive organs?
I know that much!!
You're really stupid...
What!! Are you looking for a fight!?
That's a real alien!!
The princess is in danger!!
Impressive, well-trained moves...
But still, it's only human-level...
...N-not a single hit...
Even though Lord Reba is one of the top fighters in the world...
That little guy might be an actual alien.
N-no way.
He looks a lot like us, but...
There seems to be a difference in physical abilities.
Next, I'll go in!
N-no way...
To think, even Lord Reba...
You don't seem to understand.
Look at this!! This is a Planet Destruction Capsule. It has the power to destroy an entire planet in an instant.
What do you think will happen if this is set on Earth?
Hahaha! Earth will be reduced to cosmic dust in an instant...
R-run away!!
It's a monster!!
Everyone, evacuate quickly!!
O-oh King!!
Please evacuate.
Finally, you understand your situation.
Well, either way, you'll die...
This is THE END!!
Energy charge!!
Juuu Joaaah
O-oh King...
Hussy!! Are you alright!?
Grandpa... I can't hold on...
What are you doing!? Grandpa!?
If I do this, you might be saved...
No!! Don't die!!
Energy blast!!
Why didn't you kill me along with them?!
You hit me right where it hurts. I'm going to take my time killing you...
Is it about the shorty?!
That's it?!
Shut up!! It's a big deal for me!!
Waa waa waa
You're such a noisy creature.
All this fuss over just one dead ally...
Wouldn't you feel anything if your friends or family were killed?!
Not at all. Unlike humans, we don't form packs.
Risking your life for an ally is unthinkable.
Survival is the only thing that matters.
So, if something dangerous happens to you, no one would come to save you!!
Are all your comrades so heartless?!
Even if you die, nobody will care!!
So, what of it?!
What are you doing?!
Give it back!
I'm going to commit suicide, so give it back!!
Su-suicide?! What, what, what?! Wh-wh-wh-what does that mean?!
Everyone’s dead... There's no point in me living alone.
I’ll die and join everyone...
Lost your will to live? What do you mean?
For a being of the universe, survival should be the strongest instinct...
Are you going to defy the greatest instinct of life!?
Damn it!! I don’t understand!! Are the life forms on this planet abnormal!?
S-stop it
Y-y-you need to value your own life more!!!
I don’t need to hear that from you!! dying that important to you...?
I'll kill you!!
Why didn't you vaporize that little girl too?!
Shut up!!
...Why does it bother me what that girl said?!
Wh-what is this?!
Are they fighting among their own kind?!
What is that!?
A nuclear weapon!?
I’ve seen species go extinct because of nuclear weapons on many developing planets, but...
Maybe humanity is destined to destroy itself, even without my intervention...
Or is it the work of a few idiots...
Energy charging!!
They are deployed all over Earth.
It's extremely dangerous...
King Papyulam, you’re being quite flashy.
Indeed. And he doesn’t even know he’s being deceived...
Anyway, he’ll die with this planet.
Once you’re dead, we will rule Mesart.
We, who have the power, will be kings!! You’re done!!!
Earth will soon become cosmic dust!!
Take that!! Wahahaha!!
Lord Papyulam, it's an emergency. Please return to the ship.
It’s a coup!!
What the hell is that!? A spaceship!!
Lord Papyulam!!
Hey Papyulam, you're making quite the scene.
Huh!? Is that a comrade's voice!?
Hehehe... We've never liked you since the old days.
So, we've decided you're going to die.
What nonsense are you spouting?
You're the one who's dreaming. Look down!!
A planetary destruction capsule is set...
Ha ha ha!! Once it's attached, you can never remove it!
You were always the best... No matter what you did, you excelled.
You sucked up to the superiors and got the best results all by yourself!
No matter how many planets we invaded, we could never beat you.
Stop taking all the limited resources, damn it!
Oh, trying to escape by spaceship? It's useless; I've vaporized the engines!
So, if something dangerous happens to you, no one will come to your aid!!
It means no one will care when you die!!
Damn it!! You're right, just like you said...
Wh-what is this!?
King Papyulam, turn to space dust!!
Spaceship!! I have one last wish!!
Wh-what does this mean!? Lord Papyulam...
Begging for your life!? Brace yourself, it'll blow in 10 seconds!!
Ha ha ha ha!!
That's why you never get good results!!
Wh-what does this mean!?
Hehehe... The thing is... unlike Mesart, Earth isn't made of super metal...
It's made entirely of soil!!
I came to invade Earth, and ended up saving it...
How pathetic, really!!
Lord Papyulam!!
I'm alive!? I'm alive!!
L-Lord Papyulam...
Sob... sob... pi pi...
Are you crying? What happened?
So... he committed suicide...
Do you feel sorry for me...!? Pi pi...
I can't... It's just...
More importantly, what are you going to do now?
Are you mad!?
By the last order of Papyulam-sama, we will distort the space-time around Earth and reset time.
Everything will be undone.
However, because you were kept alive by Papyulam-sama, the memories will remain with you...
What does that mean!? What will happen to you?
Entities from different space-time than Earth will cease to exist.
Oh no, that's him!!!
He's going to kill my precious tiger, I just know it!!
No way!! I'll make sure he pays for this!!!
