prodigy sword lord

Hi! Pan!!
Hey, Pafe-chan.
Today is the quarterfinals, right? Who are you playing against?
Yeah, it's against Orya.
What?! With him?
He's insanely good, you know. Are you sure you'll be okay⁉
I don't know. I haven't practiced at all.
You haven't done anything again? That's not good. You have to practice!
It's okay. I'm a genius, after all.
I didn't do anything, but I made it to the quarter-finals.
I'm amazed. Everyone is working hard to win at this swordsmanship festival...
Well, well, well! You've worked hard!
This is it. A special rubber sword that hurts but won't cause any injuries.
Alright, let's do this!
Alright, up next is the men's quarterfinals. Players number 05 and 34, please take the stage.
Ahhh!! Lord Orya!!
Orya!! Orya!!
Orya!! Orya!! Orya!!
Parvard University Sword Festival
I didn't realize I was this popular.
Truly a genius!
Lord Orya
Hey, let's have a good match today! May the best of us win.
Tch! So it wasn't for my support after all...
Thanks a lot. Nice to meet you.
Both competitors, please fully demonstrate the fruits of your daily practice and make it a splendid match.
Now, we will proceed with the quarterfinals.
Number 05 Orya contestant! Orya is the reigning champion of last year's Swordsmanship Festival‼
Number 34, Pan contestant! He had a rather lackluster performance last year, but this time he has advanced to the quarterfinals of the Swordsmanship Festival‼
Both sides, ready!!
Pan, you can do it!!
