
An alien from the Mezart star system. His hobby is destroying planets.
Character sheet


Papyrum's Charactor sheet

Basic Information
gender None due to asexual reproduction
Date of Birth / Age Space year 1408Qgikkl-546kiirf
Blood Type Mezart X
Region of Origin Mezart Planet
Height (of body) 1 meter
Body weight 1 ton
Grade / Occupation From a fallen royal family
Personality Unlike humans, the Mezart people do not form groups or families as a species, so they have a strong individualistic character and lack sociality and cooperation.
Appearance Features
Hairdo Mezartian hair tends to stand upright due to the soft metal.
Eyebrow The eyebrows also tend to stand upright because they are made of soft metal.
Eye Features / Eye color / Glasses, etc. Seeing miles ahead
Nose The size of a pea. My sense of smell is degenerating.
Ear It stretches out so long that it can hear sounds from many kilometers away.
Mouth / Voice Quality expensive
Facial Expression Coldness due to individualistic nature
Foot Wearing a mysterious protector
Other body features The bodies of Mezart people are made of soft metal, not protein, so although their physical appearance is similar to that of humans, their physical abilities are completely different. They can weigh up to one ton.
Ability / Special Skill / Environment, and Others
Special Skills / Abilities Converts the energy in the body into heat, melting and evaporating anything.
Hobbies / Preferences Planet Destruction
Dreams for the future To be King again
Problems / Troubles the character is having Succession issue
People the character respects or resents I respect myself
Trauma / Fear The suicidal behavior of intelligent life forms boggles the mind.