
Princess of a small country. She has a rough temper but a kind heart. Her special move is the round kick!
Character sheet


Hassey's Charactor sheet

Basic Information
gender girl
Date of Birth / Age Born April 23, 1726, age 13
Blood Type Type B
Region of Origin Small European country
Height (of body) 154㎝
Body weight 47㎏
Grade / Occupation Princess Business
Personality A girl with a fiery temper but a kind heart
Appearance Features
Hairdo long
Eyebrow Well-defined eyebrows
Eye Features / Eye color / Glasses, etc. Good eyesight
Nose I have a good sense of smell to sniff out delicious things
Cheek She turns red immediately when she makes a mistake.
Mouth / Voice Quality Her voice is high. She sings with the birds in the morning.
Facial Expression Rich in emotions
Ability / Special Skill / Environment, and Others
Special Skills / Abilities Sing a song. A one-hit kill kick.
Dreams for the future A princess loved by the people
Problems / Troubles the character is having Meeting with potential grooms
Friendships / Family relationships / Lovers / Attitudes Because of her honest personality, she has good relationships with her family and friends. Sometimes she gets into trouble by speaking her true feelings too much.