How could the president be obsessed with me?
Part 4 Anna's unrequited love

Hey, Anna! Long time no see! How have you been lately?
Xiao Lu! Long time no see, lah!
One day after work...
Xiao Lu... are you free after work? Wanna go sit at the Xing Ba Ke next door?
Sure, but Anna, why does your face look so strange?
Right now, the guy I like and I are just separated by a wall.
Anna, oh, you silly girl, focus on your career! All I want now is to earn more money!
But... it seems like he doesn't have much of a fondness for me! It's really upsetting!
Just now, I took the initiative to knock on JC's office door to find him...
Anna, what do you need me for?
There's one more thing,
JC is so incredibly handsome!! dad said he wants to have a meal with you before he goes back to New York,
Please lean your head closer,
Is that all? Anything else?
Anna, you're like a little sister to me.
JC, I like you!
Little sister... does that mean I'm friendzoned??
Back when I was really young,
I've liked you a lot!
Anna, I understand, I've been through unrequited love myself...
No, Xiaolu, you don't understand,
...the little boy who sat next to me in kindergarten, he had the cutest smile...
Sigh, Anna, you can't force these things.
No, I won't accept this!
The world of the wealthy, their skies are a different shade of blue, you know!
Damn! Are you guys acting out a period drama?
JC and I are childhood sweethearts.
Before I was even born, JC and I were promised to each other.
I, Lin Xiaolu, am definitely not free to indulge in romance right now.
That's something for rich heiresses like Anna, not for me!
Although Lin Xiaolu admires JC, she feels there's a huge gap between her, JC, Anna, and the other wealthy new colleagues, as if they belong to different worlds.
Dear newcomers, to reward your hard work over the past two months,
the company will host a dinner for everyone at "Street Steak" this Saturday evening. Remember to attend!
At the newcomer meeting the following day...
Gentlemen, please wear suits,
and ladies, evening dresses for the banquet. I hope to see everyone looking their best that night!
Mm... Okay! See you then!
"Hey, Anna? Can I ride with you on Saturday?
After such a long journey, we've finally arrived at the Street Steak House!
Street Steak House? Damn, it's just a street-side steak place!
I haven't eaten anything since this morning, I'm going to eat several pounds in a bit!
Hi, everyone, you all made it?
Awesome! There's a buffet here!
Hey! JC, Susan! You are all here!
Don't just stuff yourself silly,
Little Deer, why do you look so hungry?
JC, Susan just sat by the window, watching the newcomer,
I haven't eaten since this morning, been working overtime.
Seriously, can't a person even eat in peace anymore?
Since Lin Xiaolu joined, she's already secured four clients for the company. That should be enough to satisfy her dad.
Because table manners are also a key part of their evaluation...
Did you see the table by the window? JC and Susan are over there observing the newcomer!
Ok, Susan, let's discuss the performances of Lin Xiaolu and Susan.
Therefore, our HR department has assessed that both newcomers are suitable to stay.
This is my opinion, please consider it, JC.
I need this job to support myself and prove my worth.
All I want is for JC to love me!
Okay, thank you, Susan. I understand.
Anna, let's get ready to leave!
Hi, ladies! Finished your meal? See you at the office next Monday!
Ladies, bye! This is my daughter next to me, isn't she as beautiful as her mom?
Ok, let's go!
I really hope I can stand by JC's side as his other half!
I truly wish to be kept on by You Xiao Wang!
