How could the president be obsessed with me?
Part 5 Chapter 5 The inexplicable triangle relationship

Xiaolu... For some reason, I can't get you out of my mind!
One night at JC's house
But I just don't know how to face you,
Especially with Anna... Ugh! I don't even like her!
Jenny wants me to report directly to JC via text! I'm so nervous!
Hey... Jenny? What? You can't make it back? You're still at Xinjiapo!!
Is it okay to text the big boss this late?
Ah, whatever, it's just a work report, don't overthink it.
March 3rd, Monday, 00:12 AM
Good evening JC, Jenny is still at Xinjiapo, her phone broke, so she asked me to report to you. The client at Xinjiapo has approved our proposal, and they are currently drafting the contract with their lawyer. Once it's ready, I'll send it over for your review.
Alright, got it.
...It's actually my dream person texting me...
Even though it's just a work report,
Phew~ All done,
Time to turn off the lights and sleep!
But it must be my filial piety that moved the heavens!!
What? Another message from him?
Oh right, I remember you told me during the interview that you earned your living in the UK by cooking, so you must be really good at it?
I guess I'm okay.
Maybe my classmates missed
the taste of home, so they had to buy from me.
How about I come over to your place one day to try your cooking?
Just kidding... No! I'm not!
JC, are you joking?
I really want to taste your cooking!
But... saying NO directly seems a bit rude...
What kind of request is this?
Oh my gosh!
But I can make some braised beef offal for you to try. It'll be ready around next week, is that okay?
What kind of operation is this?
Of course, my pleasure.
Could it be... you're asking me to work in the company cafeteria?
JC... after I failed to confess to you last time,
At the same time, in Anna's room
These days, I can't eat, I can't sleep well, I've become so worn out.
Hello...? Dad, I need a small favor, you must help me! Please!
Hey! JC, you're not that young anymore, why are you so shy around me?
Daddy! The way JC looks at me at the company, it feels so strange...
...but he's definitely just shy! You have to give him a little push! Please, Daddy, pretty please!
Dad said he'll help me! Yay!
As expected, Daddy always takes care of his daughter!
...I hope Dad can help me sort this out!
JC... if you don't love me, I'll jump off a building to show you!
Boss, do you sell beef offal here?
I need to braise it for my colleagues at the company, I need a lot...
Early the next morning
No need for that. Give me 20 pounds each of beef stomach, heart, liver, kidney, lung, and tripe.
Of course we have it. I even have beef intestines, do you want some?
Yay! Time to get started!
JC suddenly said he wanted to eat my cooking...
What on earth is he up to?
One morning...
I, Lin Xiaolu, carried dozens of pounds of beef offal and finally made it to the company cafeteria...
Next, I informed Susan
JC, Lin Xiaolu from Marketing Department 1 has finished cooking the braised beef offal,
Phew~ I need a cup of milk tea, I'm exhausted!
That was fast!
Wow! This dish looks like it came from a restaurant!
Exactly! Just braised beef offal, but the presentation is restaurant-level!
This beef offal is so tender! Amazing!
Lin Xiaolu... You're too talented for Marketing Department 1, you should be the head chef in the cafeteria.
Xiaolu, your Beef Za is really good! But why did you suddenly decide to treat everyone to your cooking?
Well, the night before last, I was reporting to JC, and he suddenly asked me to bring my cooking...
Out of the blue
How...?? How did he know you could cook?
I can't take it anymore... Anna, Anna, you lost to an ordinary girl like Lin Xiaolu!
My family runs a restaurant, I mentioned it during the interview, and then...
What? I didn't expect... JC likes girls who can cook...
NO! I, Anna, will not sit idly by!
"Hello? Secretary Li? Could you connect me to Director Ren, yes... this is his daughter, Anna..."
I have no choice but to use my last resort!!
